Sumati Bhala

Web Developer,Web scraper,Data Analyst,Data visualiser

Name: Sumati Bhala

Profile: Data Analyst



HTML 85%
CSS3 75%
Python 85%
SQL 80%
Mongo DB 85%
Plotly 90%
Tableau 90%
About me

I am a Data analyst with background in Economics and skills in Excel, VBA, Python and SQL from UofT's Data Analytics and Coding Bootcamp. Always excited to work with data and consistently curious to unfold the hidden patterns. I enjoy exploring the various ways to traverse the data and render the findings for equally amazing visualisations. My creative ideas, exceptional problem solving abilities combined with persistence and patience in collaborating across diverse groups, makes me a valuable addition to any team.

We recently completed a project on Sentimental Analysis through machine learning (ML) where we worked in a team of four to build model that can predict the sentiment of tweets for Greta Thunberg. Along with it can also predict whether the tweet was political or non political. We created a visualisation through tableau with the data extracted from twitter API.

Another interesting project was ETL that we completed with a team of three using data sets from Toronto public library, Python, SQLAlchemy and SQL relational databases to explore more about the number of active users, branches, locations and circulation during last 5 years.

Data visualisation


Pybank and Pypoll are my first independent python codes and you can find more on

Python code

Web Development

Created this visualisation using HTML and CSS

HTML link


Automatic table and date search for UFO sightings with javascript, HTML and CSS

UFO javascript

Web Mapping

Created a map using leaflet that plots all the earthquakes using the dataset based on their latitiude and longitude

Leaflet mapping

Sentimental Analysis

Tableau visualisation of tweets JSON. Part of the project on Sentimental analysis of tweets for Greta Thunberg

Tableau visualisation

Web Scraping

Web application that scrapes various websites for data related to mission to mars

Misson to Mars


Some of the projects I did with various teams.